Stay Ready – A sermon on Matthew 25:1-13

I was remembering recently a button that used to exist in the solitaire game software that came pre-installed on Microsoft computers. It was known as a “Boss button.” The idea was that if you were playing card games on your computer at work and your boss came by unexpectedly, you could hit this button and a meaningless spreedsheet with meaningless data would take over your screen, hiding the card game.  It was sort of a digital, “Quick! Look busy!” solution. 

The parable we encountered in worship today has a little bit of that “Quick! Look busy” feel to it.  Two groups of bridesmaids in the story have two different ways of waiting while the return of the bridegroom is delayed, leading us to think about what we do when when the “boss” isn’t around. How do we wait when the waiting starts to get longer than we expected? 

A worship video of this sermon is available here, and the manuscript can be found by clicking “Continuing reading” below.

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