Worthy of the call? – a sermon on racism 

Colossians 1: 3-14

In an exchange of text messages relating to an up-coming vacation and reunion with my best friends from college, I explained to the host of our festivities that I had written and re-written our order of worship (not even mentioning the drafts of this sermon) three times already. My friend, a pediatric emergency room physician in a downtown children’s hospital on the east coast, which is to say, a woman who is no stranger to violence and tragedy, replied to me, “That is not a good commentary on life.”

It was only Thursday. Continue reading

They pay attention

I sent the little kids outside yesterday morning to pick up up the trash in the driveway from our 4th of July fireworks.*  When I went outside to see how they were doing this is what I found.IMG_5674

Of course it went up on Facebook immediately.  And Twitter. “This is what happens when you send the pastor’s kids out to clean up the trash from the fireworks.” And now it’s a blog post.  As one does. Continue reading